Data Structure Reference


class cows.dictionary.Dict(selector=None, updater=None, **kwargs)

Creates a dict-like object which checks has potentially ambiguous keys

This class provides a key/value store where the keys are strings and may contain wildcards. Unlike the builtin dict type where setting a key overwrites the existing associated value if it exists, this class allows for a user-defined updating function, updater. Since a given key may match more than one key in the Dict (due to wildcards), a selector function will be passed the list of matches which will select which to pass to updater.

  • selector (func) –

    Called when __setitem__ is called with key and a (possibly wildcard) match to key exists.

    Must accept one argument, an iterable of (key, value) matches, and return a single element from the iterator that will be updated with updater.

  • updater (func) –

    Called when __setitem__ is called with key and value and a (possibly ambiguous) match to key exists.

    Must accept three arguments match, current_value, and new_value. match and current_value will be passed the key and value returned by the selector and new_value will be passed the value passed to __setitem__.

    Returns the value to set the value associated with match to.

  • **kwargs – Passed to underlying Trie


import cows

def increment(match, old_value, new_value):
    return old_value + new_value

my_dict = cows.Dict(updater=increment)
my_dict['ABC'] = 1
my_dict['DEF'] = 2
my_dict['AB*'] = 10

for k, v in sorted(my_dict.items()):
    print('{} --> {}'.format(k, v))

This code would output:

ABC --> 11
DEF --> 2

Now consider a more complicated example:

my_dict = cows.Dict(updater=increment)
my_dict['ABC'] = 1
my_dict['*EF'] = 2
my_dict['GHF'] = 3
my_dict['G*F'] = 5

Here the setting of G*F matches both *EF and GHF. By default, the first lexicographic match (in this case *EF) is chosen for update:

*EF --> 7
ABC --> 1
GHF --> 3

However, this behavior can be overridden by passing a function as the selector parameter. This function must take one parameter, matches which yields (key, value) pairs for each matching entry and return the key of the desired pair.

For example, this selector chooses the _last_ match when sorted in lexicographic order:

def last_match(matches):
    return sorted(matches, key=lambda m: m[0], reverse=True)[0]

my_dict = cows.Dict(updater=increment, selector=last_match)

This will output:

*EF --> 2
ABC --> 1
GHF --> 8

Gets items matching key.

Parameters:key (str) – The key string to match
Yields:The values that match key. Order is not guaranteed.

Yields the keys in the dictionary


Returns the number of elements in the dictionary.

__setitem__(key, value)

Sets a value in the dictionary.

Sets key to value if no match for key already exists. If matches do exist, one is selected with self.selector function and is optionally updated with the self.updater function.

  • key (str) – The key to set
  • value (obj) – The value to set
Returns:(key, value) tuples for each association in the dictionary.
Returns:The keys in the dictionary.
Returns:The values in the dictionary.


class cows.list.List(iterable=None)

A list for storing potentially ambiguous strings.

This class allows strings with ambiguous characters to be searched. Insertion via append(), extend(), and insert() function normally, simply inserting values into a list. Accessor methods index(), count(), and __contains__() all take into account ambiguous characters, however.


import cows

l = cows.List(['ABCD', 'ABC*', 'DEFG'])
# prints: cows.List(['ABCD', 'ABC*', 'DEFG'])

l.insert(2, '****')

# print: cows.List(['ABCD', 'ABC*', '****', 'DEFG'])

# prints: 2

# prints: 3

Returns if key is in the list taking into account ambiguity


Yields items in the list


Returns the number of elements in the list


Appends value to the list


Counts the number of times value occurs in the list.

This method takes into account ambiguity.


Appends all elements in iterable to the list

index(value, start=None, end=None)

Finds the first index of value in the list.

Determines if value is in the list taking into account ambiguity and returns the first matching index.

If start and/or end is specified, only searches that portion of the list using the slice operator. If value is not found raises a ValueError.


l = cows.List(['ABCD', 'ABC*', '****', 'DEFG'])


The output of the print statement is 2 since the first match for D*** is at position 2 (with a value of ****).

  • value (str) – The value for which to search.
  • start (int) – The minimum index to start searching.
  • end (int) – The maximum index to search through

The minimum index that matches value


ValueError – If no matches for value are found.

insert(i, value)

Inserts value at position i in the list


class cows.set.Set(iterable=None, **kwargs)

Creates a set-like object which checks for ambiguous inclusion.

This class provides a basic implementation of the set, a group of distinct (unique) values. Uniqueness is checked based on ambiguous strings so ABC* and *BCD would be considered equivalent.

  • iterable (iterable) – An optional set of elements with which to populate
  • set. (the) –
  • **kwargs – Passed to underlying Trie


import cows

s = cows.Set()
s.add('ABC*')  # Matches ABCD, so not added
s.add('HEF*')  # Matches *EFG, so not added



cows.Set(['*EFG', 'ABCD', 'T'])

Yields the elements in the set


Returns the number of elements in the set


Adds an element to the set.

Parameters:element (str) – The element to add.


class cows.trie.Trie(key=None, value=<object object>, wildcard='*', initialize=None)

A trie which has accessors for ambiguous lookups.

This class is the basis of all other cows classes. It stores all strings which have been inserted, not taking into account ambiguity. No special methods (starting & ending with double underscores) take into account ambiguity. To search the trie for ambiguous matches, use get_matches().


import cows

t = cows.Trie()
t['ABCD'] = 1
t['DE*G'] = 5

print('Matches for ABC* {}'.format(list(t.get_matches("ABC*"))))
print('Matches for D*FG {}'.format(list(t.get_matches("D*FG"))))


Matches for ABC* [('ABCD', cows.Trie(D, 1))]
Matches for D*FG [('DE*G', cows.Trie(G, 5))]
  • key (char) – The character representing the trie node.
  • value (object) – An arbitrary Python object representing the data at the trie node.
  • wildcard (char) – The character representing ambiguity.
  • initialize (tuple) – Pairs of values with which to initialize the trie.


Consider using the other cows data structures, which are more intuitive, before using a Trie.


Gets an item from the trie.

Searches the trie for key. Note this does not take into account ambiguity, and will only find an exact match. For ambiguous searching, use get_matches().

Parameters:key (str) – The key to search for
Returns:The matching Trie node if key was found, else None

Returns the number of nodes in the trie

__setitem__(key, value)

Sets a key/value pair in the trie.

Sets the value of key to value. Note this will affect exactly one trie node and does not take into account ambiguity. For a data structure that implements setting with ambiguity use Dict.

  • key (str) – The key to set.
  • value (obj) – The data to associate with key

Gets all child nodes matching the single character prefix. If the character is a wildcard, it will return all children and if a wildcard is included in the children, it will be included.

For example, if the children are:

[Trie('A'), Trie('B'), Trie('C'), Trie('*')]

where * is the wildcard, passing A to this method will return:

[Trie('A'), Trie('*')].

Parameters:prefix (char) – A single character for which to search within children.
Yields:Child(ren) matching prefix
Raises:ValueError – If prefix is not a string of exactly one character.

Searches the trie for strings matching key.


If the trie contains ABCD, ABCA, and CBC*, the key ABC* will return ABCD and ABCA.

Parameters:key (str) – The string for which to search for matches in the trie
Yields:(key, value) tuples for nodes that match key.


The order of yielded matches is not defined and is not guaranteed to be consistent.


Gets all items in the trie.

Yields:(node_key, node) pairs of all items.

Yields the keys in the trie


Yields the values in the trie